Title: Strongbow Author: Kenaz Characters: Beleg Rating: PG Source of inspiration: The Silmarillion Prompt: Yew Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien.
Title: Meetings Author: Kenaz (Kenazfiction) Characters: Unnamed, but easily discerned. :) Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LOTR Challenge: Rugged Disclaimer: The characters within belong to JRRT and his estate; I borrow them for fun, not profit.
Title: Rubicon Author: Kenaz (Kenazfiction) Characters: Elrond, Isildur Rating: PG Warnings: None Book/Source: Unfinished Tales Challenge: Rocky Disclaimer: The characters within belong to JRRT and his estate; I borrow them for fun, not profit.